STEP 3: Compete on June 11th!
Starting at Cambridge Crossing, your team competes in a variety of intellectual, physical, and community service missions, racking up points for your chosen nonprofit partner.
Then, come celebrate at the Block Party at Tech Square where checks are presented to the nonprofits, and the winning team will lift the Kendall Cup!

TEAM Pricing
Member: $2,500
Non-Member: $3,500
Nonprofit/Start-up: $500
NonProfit / Start-up pricing
Nonprofits: 501c(3) or 501c(6) organizations with budgets under $750K
Start-ups: With 20 or fewer employees; less than $500K in gross revenue; and
less than $10 million in capital
Questions? Email Kendra Foley at

1:00PM - 2:00PM
Warm Up & Kick Off!
Cambridge Crossing
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Challenge throughout the
Kendall Square area
4:00PM - 6:00PM
Block Party
Tech Square

We have the honor of partnering with 5 nonprofits who will be beneficiaries of the 2025 Kendall Square Challenge. When registering their teams, Team Captains will be prompted to choose one of these nonprofits to support throughout the Challenge.